Our CAD sub-team has designed the entire robot, and is currently looking at two different prototypes for the intake. They will soon be given to Mechanical to build and test out, and from there, picking the one that best suits our needs. They’ve also been hard at work modifying the robot so that everything fits together in CAD. Quote: “Agony” “Staring into the abyss” Electrical: Our Electrical sub-team has been designing an ultimate box, which would fit all important hardware onto the robot. They’re waiting on the chassis to be finished so that they can start wiring. Quote: “We’re trying our best” Mechanical: Our Mechanical sub-team was adding the finishing touches to the chassis, finishing the base, and now they just need to check in with our CAD sub-team to make sure the measurements are all correct. Quote: “This is really hard” Management: Our Management sub-team has been getting their creative juices flowing lately; designing pins, business cards, and team t-shirts! Quote: “This is my quote”
The season finally started! We had a great kickoff on the 7th! And we're off to such a great start!! The team decided on a strategy and brainstormed designs. We've split up into our sub-teams to start working. We also received a sponsorship from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Chicago Chapter! Here are the specific updates for each sub-team: Programming: Our programming sub-team split up into separate groups and each group is working on a separate file in the code for our robot and later on, they´ll put together the code and have everything working. Quote for Programming: ¨I don´t get paid enough for this, I would like to ask for a 10% raise¨ - Chloe CAD: Our CAD subteam is already designing our robot, they've split it up into tasks with their own mechanisms and movements. They´re still in the development stage and movements are still being decided. Quote from CAD: “HIiiiiiiiiIIIIiiiIII¨ Electrical: We´re working on the gearboxes on the chassis. Half the group is working on practice gearboxes so programming can work with them while the other half is creating the final competition ones. Quote: ¨This is cool¨ Mechanical: Our mechanical sub-team has already built a prototype of a claw. Currently, they´re working on getting everyone caught up with the plan we discussed during the kickoff. They´re also focusing on designing a failsafe in case the claw doesn´t work. Quote: “Our sub-team co-captain is rad¨ Management: Our management sub-team has been hard at work writing emails, updating the site, and making this very blog. We’ve already gotten multiple sponsors and uploaded social media posts on our various social media platforms (follow us :) ). Quote: “We manage things” The team at kickoff Our sub-teams hard at work (the picture is specifically electrical) Receiving a sponsorship from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Chicago Chapter
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